Frequently Asked Questions

  • Q: What is the address for mailing in payments?
    A: Payments should be mailed to:
    Arizona Water Company
    P.O. Box 29098
    Phoenix, AZ 85038-9098
    Fax: 602-240-6874
  • Q: How can I change my mailing address for bills?
    A: You may call or visit your local Arizona Water Company office to complete a Customer Information Change form, or you may email your local Arizona Water Company office to provide it with the (1) name on account, (2) account number, (3) old address, and (4) new address.
  • Q: When I leave my home for several months, can I request water service be turned off?
    A: You may request your local Arizona Water Company office to turn off your water service under one of two types of service disconnections:
    1. Final Bill: Water service is disconnected and a final bill is rendered to you. If you re-establish service within 12 months, you must pay the back minimums or eight times the minimum (whichever is less) as a re-establishment fee.
    2. Courtesy Off: Water service is disconnected until Arizona Water Company is requested by you to turn your service back on. Minimum bills continue to be rendered and are due and payable on a monthly basis. A Courtesy Off is primarily used when a dwelling is to be vacant for a period of time.
  • Q: Is there a charge for courtesy turn-on or turn-off service?
    A: Arizona Water Company offers courtesy turn-on and turn-off service at no charge, provided the turn-on or turn-off is to be made during regular working hours, Monday through Friday, from 8:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. Whenever possible, three-days advance notice should be provided. If the turn-on or turn-off is to be made after regular working hours, there is a $35 after-hours charge.
  • Q: Who is eligible for SurePay?
    A: SurePay is open to all residential and business customers billed by Arizona Water Company. Your account must be in good standing and not subject to existing payment arrangements.
  • Q: What does it cost me to be part of SurePay?
    A: There are no sign-up fees and no participation fees charged by Arizona Water Company. However, some financial institutions may charge a fee for electronic fund transfers.
  • Q: How will I know when my enrollment in SurePay is activated?
    A: Within one or two billings, notice of the date of the first automatic deduction from your bank account will appear on your Arizona Water Company water bill. If you are an active SurePay participant, a SurePay notice will appear on all your water bills. Continue to make payments as usual until your participation has taken effect.
  • Q: What happens in the event of a rejected payment through SurePay?
    A: Payments may be rejected by your financial institution because of insufficient funds, closed/unauthorized accounts or other reasons. Check with your financial institution for possible fees it may impose. If payment is rejected, Arizona Water Company will apply its authorized service charge on your next water bill. The Company reserves the right to terminate your participation in SurePay at any time.
  • Q: How do I change information on my SurePay enrollment?
    A: To change your address, call your local Arizona Water Company office. To change your bank account information, submit a new SurePay Application and Authorization to the Company. Inaccurate information may result in payments being refused by your financial institution. The Company will not be responsible for charges which result from inaccurate information or failure to provide the Company with timely notification of changes.
  • Q: How do I cancel SurePay?
    A: To cancel SurePay, open the SurePay cancellation form, complete, print, sign and mail or fax to the address listed above. Termination will become effective within 10 business days after the Company receives your notification.
  • Q: Will Arizona Water Company contact me to request bank account or credit card information?
    A: Arizona Water Company will not call customers to request bank account or credit card information. Please do not give personal information to any unknown caller.
  • Q: How can I identify Arizona Water Company employees and will they need to enter my home?
    A: All Arizona Water Company employees wear uniforms with the Arizona Water Company label clearly visible and drive vehicles with the Arizona Water Company logo displayed. Employees also carry Arizona Water Company ID badges with the employee photo and title. Arizona Water Company employees will never ask to enter the home to test the water and only enter the home to perform a water audit at the request of the customer.